Embark on a chilling exploration of the mysterious and supernatural in “Aimee’s Dream: A Collection of Horror Tales to Scare You at Night” by A.K. Scarlette. Immerse yourself in seven soft fictional mini-stories inspired by real-life legendary events that will send shivers down your spine.
From lingering hauntings to encounters with otherworldly entities, these eerie tales will plunge you into the unsettling unknown, prompting you to question the boundaries between reality and the macabre. A.K. Scarlette masterfully crafts a tapestry of fear that will leave you wondering whether these horrifying stories are mere figments of imagination or glimpses into a terrifying reality.
Prepare for a journey into the shadows, where nothing is as it seems, and horror awaits around every corner. “Aimee’s Dream” invites you to let your nightmares unfold as you navigate through the twisted corridors of the supernatural. Brace yourself for a collection of spine-chilling stories that will haunt your thoughts long after you’ve turned the last page.
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Author Bio:
Accidental author A.K. Scarlette holds a Forensic Medicine Cert., Cert. in Early Childhood Education & Care Competency and a Diploma in Counselling.
She is also a Paediatric Hypnosis Coach, Parents Coach, Kids Coach, ICF Accredited Life Coach, and Speaker and works around crime-fighting heroes. Despite her struggles to read and not having the ambition to write as a child, in 2020 she shared her story in a Multi-Author Best-selling book and it changed her life and business.
That she has many strings to her bow is no surprise to anybody who knows her, as she is a serial entrepreneur. She describes her mind as very active and uses writing to get her ideas out and focus her thoughts. Her inspirations come from far and wide. She looks to world events, real-life stories, and personal experiences.
Through her writing, she hopes to impress on her readers that whatever life throws at you, there is always a funny side.