FREE TODAY! Whisper Wood is a supernatural thriller that introduces a man destined to live out his days pondering the past and a broken relationship with his son. There’s also an unsolved murder from long ago and a perpetrator shrouded in mystery, along with a series of seemingly unconnected horrific burnings. As the story unfolds, it reveals the lives of two boys from different times, each with their own troubles. Something strange and enigmatic links everything together, something that will forever be a part of Whisper Wood.
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Author Bio:
Simon Lee learned from a young age about the magic of escaping into a good book. Whether it was joining a perilous expedition across Conan Doyle’s Lost World, or strolling through the rolling hills of Tolkien’s Shire, the words never failed to take him away. Fantasy was his first love, but a ferocious appetite for science fiction and horror soon followed, indeed anything that offered some much-needed escapism.
After writing a few of his own short stories, Simon published his debut novella Whisper Wood for Amazon Kindle in 2021.
He lives in the North of England, where inspiring hillside adventures (and coffee) are never far away…