About Where Is My Little Elephant?: A Funny Seek-And-Find Book (Where is…? – First Words Series 3):
Teach Your Children First Words.
Are you looking for your little elephant? Elephants are so big they cannot hide so well, right? So it might be easy to find Daisy, the elephant lady. The search for her is a delightful read-aloud. Is Daisy lazy? Maybe she does not want to go to school. Did she go ice skating instead? Or is she at a birthday party? Where did she disappear?
The author has added an interactive element to the story that children and their parents will like: what other animals do you see or how many candles are on the birthday cake or which picture did you like best? The book is also available in Spanish and German, and in bilingual English-Spanish and Englisch-German. Teachers, caregivers, and parents will love the bonus coloring pages included at the back of the print book. “This simple concept book is ideal for bedtime reading because parents and children can share the adventure of looking for the lost animal.” Reader’s Favorite 5*****
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Mit meinen teils mehrsprachigen Bilderbüchern und kurzen Geschichten bin ich in erster Linie daran interessiert, neue Erfahrungen und Anregungen und neue Perspektiven auf unsere Welt zu vermitteln – auch im fantastischen und magischen. Ich möchte das auf spielerische Weise tun und nicht zufällig. Das Schreiben aus der Perspektive der Kinder öffnet die Tür zu Welten, die von Elfen und Tieren, Meerjungfrauen und Königen, Zwergen und Riesen bevölkert sind – Wesen, die Probleme haben und sie lösen können, indem sie einfach die Beschränkungen unserer realen Welt umgehen.
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