About What It Takes To Make It : A Guide To Making Life Work For You:
Are you looking for the secret to unlocking your true potential and taking your life to the next level?
This book will help you do just that!
What It Takes To Make It is a guide to powerful change and transformation. Life is a vast ocean of waves, encompassing both highs and lows. Inevitably, challenges will arise in your journey. However, the silver lining is that you possess the incredible power to conquer these obstacles and make life work in your favor.
The book is designed to provide you with the essential tips and techniques that will facilitate your ability to break free from mental traps hindering your goals. Through the right awareness, you will attain clarity, focus, and understanding of your life’s purpose. Moreover, you’ll harness the potential of your own energy to instigate positive transformations and establish a solid framework for achieving success.
Discover the limitless potential that resides within you, unlocking the secrets to achieving your wildest dreams. Along this transformative path, you will not only seize control of your life but also experience the emotional rewards that accompany true empowerment. You will learn to harness your own energy, causing positive changes that ripple across all facets of your existence.
Inside these pages, you will learn …
• The secrets to unlocking your true potential.
• Strategies of how to break out of mental traps.
• How to reap the emotional rewards by taking command over your life.
• Tips to gain control of your thoughts and feelings.
• And much more.
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Author Bio:
Nicole Gauder is a spiritual alignment specialist, mental healer, and certified Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner. For over a decade, she has been a spiritual counselor who provides her clients with the tools, tips, and techniques they need to take their lives from where they are to where they want to be. A lifelong animal lover, Nicole loves reading and meditating, and is passionate about enlightening others to the higher truths of life. Nicole’s mission is to empower, inspire, and align people seeking spiritual growth and to provide them with the right knowledge and resources to make them consciously aware of their own potential, so they can live the life they truly desire and deserve. Drawing on a wide range of techniques, Nicole helps her clients identify their goals, release limiting beliefs, and create lasting change in their lives.