About What is happiness? A book about happy moments for kids: A fairy tale for kids about a princess, unicorn, dragon and happiness!:
This book is about happiness, this book is about adventure, this book is about friendship!
This is a perfect gift for little children who adore stories about unicorns. You can read it to help them talk about happiness, and let them express their feelings and what happiness means to them.
The book consists of 12 colorful pages about a little girl and her best friend, Unicorn. The little girl is wondering what is this “happiness” that grown-ups talk so much about. With her best friend, Unicorn, she dives into a fairy tale to ask characters what happiness means to them.
The book is written in plain language, so it is easy to read, and its illustrations are a kind of real magic! We sincerely hope that it will make a really good impression on you and your child!
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Author Bio:
Hello everyone! I’m happy, I’m really glad you’re here, maybe by accident, but still got to the page with my book. I’m an author, just an author. And I love writing and publishing children’s books. I hope you enjoy reading them, оtherwise, I should be doing something else… Maybe walking dogs or growing cabbage. You can offer your options)) I don’t always succeed, but your comments, which may be very strict, make me better. Thank you for your attention to my humble self and see you on the pages of my books!