About What Humans Perceive as Time and Space are just Facets of Energy:
Did you ever wondered if what we perceive as Time really exists, or is it just an illusion?
Did you also ever wondered if what we perceive as Space really exists, or is it also just an illusion?
Did you ever wondered from which entities our Universe is actually composed?
Would you be surprised to find out that the Universe is actually composed of only one entity?
This book analyzes paradoxes and peculiarities in the science of Physics today,
and arrives at the following revolutionary conclusion:
Time, Space and the Electric Charge are just forms (or facets) of Energy, as Mass is already accepted and recognized as a form of Energy, following the introduction of Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory.
This boils down to another revolutionary conclusion:
The Universe is composed of only one entity, Energy !!!
This conclusion is based on attempts to explain several unanswered questions, peculiarities and paradoxes in the science of Physics today.
These attempts use analysis which is based only on the acceptable nowadays Physics theories.
For example: it suggests an extension to Einstein’s General Relativity Theory, to include in it also the Electric Charge entity, and not only the Mass entity.
These attempts use only thinking experiments, logic and reason, as the tools for this analysis.
Because the bottom line conclusions of this book, are very surprising conclusions, thinking experiments, logic and reason might not be enough to convince the Physicists community, that these conclusions are valid, being the logic and reason utilized, as sound as they can be.
Thus, the book proposes also physical experiments to support these conclusions.
These experiments require means and funds which are beyond the reach of the author of this book.
Thus, the author of this book hopes that this book will bring about the implementation of these experiments, which will provide the required validation to the theory provided in this book.
If these experiments will be executed, and their outcomes will be successful, in providing validity to the theory presented in this book, then,
new surprising insights will emerge, relating to our understanding of our Universe, and the Existence in general,
and also new important technological breakthroughs might be achieved.
For example, this book predicts that Newton’s second law of motion (F=ma) might not be always applicable. It might be true only for very massive bodies, such as planets, or uncharged bodies.
If this prediction will be validated, this might provide means to overcome Gravity, and design much more efficient propulsion means.
There are indications, that Nicola Tesla’s work addressed this subject, but its work is not available to the public, because it is kept out of reach from the public, by the USA authorities, because of reasons which are presented as National Security reasons.
If the theories presented in this book will be accepted as viable, this might help to start new endeavors in this exiting fields of human knowledge.
Also, this book states, that the origin of most of the mysterious Dark Energy might be from Electromagnetism, and this book also states, that our environment is continuously filled with Traceable Energy which is a result of a continuous conversion of Dark Energy into Traceable Energy.
But this cannot be usually detected, because also Traceable Energy is continuously converted to Dark Energy, which implies, that on the average, no Energy seems to disappear, or being created.
But if the theories presented in this book will be validated, it might initiate an attempt to design a technological mean to detect only the Traceable Energy which is continuously created from the Dark Energy, which might be a new source of clean, green Energy.
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Author Bio:
I am a retired Electronics Engineer and a Physics fan.
M.Sc. and B.Sc. (graduated Cum Laude, with distinction) Technion, Haifa, Israel