Caleb secretly wonders what his life would be like if his two parents were still together. He must learn to fight his way past the thoughts of living in two separate homes. In his quest to understand why he has a divided home, he eventually understands why. Today many people are living in divorced and single parent home settings. Caleb is a boy that feels confused and trapped between two different family settings. Driven to find out the truth about his parents split, the reader learns why this suburban North Carolina boy is frustrated. Is it wrong for Caleb to try to understand his family dynamic? Or should he remain silent? In a world where blended families are the new norm, take a look at Caleb’s journey and understand his family environment. Patrice Shavone Brown, being a controversial author, explores why the topic of blended family homes is important.
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Author Bio:
Patrice Shavone Brown
Author of A Fat Girl’s Confidence Guide, published by My Story Publishing Company, also the founder of the “Confident Fat Girls Movement”
Patrice Shavone Brown is a mother of two beautiful children. She is also the big sister of two siblings. Most of all she is “me.”
She is a person that has had storms and mountains to climb. She is still climbing. Patrice lost her mom to cancer June 2017. She does not paint pretty pictures about her life or surroundings.
Helping people is at the heart of everything that Patrice does. She has spent the last two decades serving her community as a Mental Health Counselor. Her greatest satisfaction comes from empowering others and assisting in people’s healing through the power of words.
“It’s hard, yet life is what you make it. And it is full of twists and turns,” says Patrice.
Patrice has owned and operated Restoring Bodies and Minds,, for the past seven years. She’s an over achiever. She likes to excel, and she has tremendous drive and determination. If at first you don’t succeed, try again, is at her core.
Brown has also authored four books. Her books are based on her everyday life experiences. The titles are Secrets Of A Crazy Mental Health Counselor, The Day Momma Made Me Dance, We Blend Well Together, A Fat Girl’s Confidence Guide, A Fat Girl’s Confidence: Beating Depression and Building Self Esteem, The Finesser and The Finesser 2.
Patrice holds an MA, BA, and AAS. She is also an Anger Management Specialist and Creative Writing Expert.