About VIKING: The Plains of Althing by Katie Aiken Ritter:
Get your Viking on! The Plains of Althing will immerse you in the lives of long-ago Icelanders, a big, epic saga with an ensemble cast of characters: Kel, on the verge of betraying his brutal employer, and Aldis, the woman he loves–who loathes Kel. You’ll feel the anguish of an enslaved Moroccan father who must make an agonizing decision, and you’ll root for a lonely, fearful widow struggling to find the courage to live. They all, inexorably, are drawn by one man’s arrogance and greed towards an Althing where Kel and Aldis must do battle—and face their deepest fears.
The Plains of Althing is the start of a sprawling four-book series that will take you to the edge of the world–and back to a country in mortal chaos. Read on!
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Author Bio:
Twenty years of tech abruptly ended with an odd…encounter?…with what I can only describe as Viking entities, who insisted that I write their story. I knew very little about their era or people, but the request proved irresistible, so I did–and I hope, did them justice.
My work in this series has won two awards: the Alabama Writers Conference Novel Award, and one novel was a Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society Finalist.