About Twenty-First Century Mankind Blues:
What occurs when you adopt a persona from the start and then work backward?
When the world is revealed to you in reverse there can only be mayhem.
A paean to detective novels, told with humour and the human condition at its heart.
Trigger warning! Not for the faint hearted, must have the darkest sense of temperament.
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Author Bio:
I have written a lot.
I am a superlative bejewelled talent for sure.
I have not been read too often though…
At best I make fifteen pounds a month and do not have adoring and doting fans hounding my door for more of my liquid literary dynamite!
I have worked many jobs I despised and some I merely loathed. I have added something to literature – though I don’t quite know what it is – a tilted wonkiness perhaps?
My next novel is always the masterpiece and the one I have just written is a pile o’ plop.
I have given up on the dream of success, of even enticing readers to peer through my uncouth worlds…what is left you say?
To write whatever the hell I want…
…and that my soon to be friend is true aesthetic beauty and why I bother to wake up in the morning….