About Think People Think By Allen Brown:
75 pages of a 91-year-old man looking at some major world problems today.
Emphasis on wars/death, money (it is not where it is needed), honesty (can it make a come-back? what form of Government is right for us? Computer malware is taking a large toll on normal life. AI (Artificial Intelligence) can be expected to replace humans in almost every aspect of life, including running the Government.
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Author Bio:
This is the author’s eight and final book (he is 91 years old).
In his work life he was an avionics engineer.
He served in the Army for 4 years (NIKE missile instructor)
His other (current) books are:
The Elevator (2017) – a trip into modern Hell (update of Dante’s “Inferno”)
Constitution 20XX (2013 – children learn to live together
Constitution II – A New Beginning (2019) – actual words to use in a new Constitution
The Story of Pope Maria (2015) – emphasis on ecumenism
Doomed To Circle 9 (2017) – modern crime and punishment
Why Is A Cow? (2016-Childrens book )
How To Become A Living Saint (2021)