About The Value of Fun: A Children’s Story about the Joy of Play and Letting Go of Material Possessions:
The Value of Fun is a heartwarming children’s story that follows the journey of Little Lucy, a young girl who loves to explore and play. When she comes across a shiny coin on the ground, she becomes obsessed with collecting as many as she can, thinking they will bring her happiness. But as she hoards more and more coins, she realizes that they are actually weighing her down and preventing her from having any fun.
Through this relatable and fun tale, young readers will learn the valuable lesson that sometimes less is more, and that it’s not about the things we own but the joy we find in the things we do. The story encourages children to let go of material possessions and embrace the simple pleasures in life.
With engaging illustrations and a catchy rhyme scheme, The Value of Fun is sure to become a favorite among children and parents alike. Give your child the gift of a valuable lesson and the joy of play by adding this book to your collection today. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to teach your child about the true value of fun.
Order now and start your child’s journey towards a happier, more fulfilling life.
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Author Bio:
Asaf Rozanes is a single dad, father of 5 y/o Mia, a life coach and children’s author with a witty, humoristic and refreshing writing style. The combination of catchy rhymes spiced with humor, an ethical message and a practical life tool appeals to the hearts of children and parents alike.
As a life coach, Asaf aims to give children the tools required to lead a more happy, productive and successful life – enjoying the journey and embracing it.
Every book contains a message and a practical day-to-day tool which is suitable for children and adults alike.
As Asaf puts it:
“I want children to enjoy and embrace life.
I want them to keep talking to their inner child and keep that flame alive and kicking!
I want them to make mistakes, to be creative, true to themselves and to understand that is where they grow and succeed…I want them to remain free creative thinkers and doers!”