About The Ultimate Trivia Collection: The World’s Most Weird and Wonderful Random Facts:
Which planet is the only one to rotate clockwise?
What is a female pubic wig called?
Which Sardinian cheese contains live maggots?
What phobia is a fear of being watched by ducks?
Find the answers to these and a whole lot more in this rousing and mind-blowing compilation of the strangest and most bizarre facts on planet Earth! It covers a huge range of topics, illustrated throughout with humorous cartoons.
Be amazed and startled, gobsmacked and entertained by this bunch of wacky and way-out factoids guaranteed to make you laugh, blush or shout out ‘WTF?!’
The chances are you’ll never need to know how many breaths you take in a year, but then again you might! Information like this can win pub quizzes or arm you with the perfect ice-breaker. You’ll never be lost for words again! Impress your friends and family with this jaw-dropping bumper batch of trivia treats or just take time out to satisfy your own curious mind.
If you like discovering weird and wonderful information, then you’ll love Graham Cann’s ‘The Ultimate Trivia Collection’.
Prepare to be amused and astounded!
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Author Bio:
Graham Cann is a #1 bestselling author and joint Director of Chas Cann Publishers. When he’s not scribbling and helping new authors, he’s singing in a 5-piece band, messing about in kayaks, blood-letting (otherwise known as DIY) and relaxing in his garden in the Bure Valley in the beautiful county of Norfolk.