Nick Martin, internationally renowned wildlife presenter and shark expert, is called in to investigate a Great White shark attack in Scottish waters. Along with his new assistant, Emma Warren, they track the shark’s movements southwards to the north Cornwall coast during the peak tourist season.
As sightings and attacks mount up, the government struggles to keep beaches safe, tensions rise, and the situation becomes increasingly perilous. As the shark threat continues to rise, Nick and Emma must risk everything to save lives, and to save the shark. But they are fast running out of options – and out of time…
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Author Bio:
Alexander Carr’s interest in sharks started in the early 2000’s when he watched a television documentary about the extraordinary 1916 Matawan Creek Incident. A shark had swum eleven miles up a freshwater creek, killing not only a ten year old boy who had been playing in the water, but also the man who had dived in to retrieve the boy’s body.
Alexander was so fascinated by the incident that one morning during a trip to New York, he travelled down to New Jersey and visited the small town of Matawan. Having fought his way through a thick barrier of brambles and tall nettles, he eventually reached the spot where the attack had happened. As he stood thinking about the terrible deaths that had occurred there, he began to consider if something similar could possibly happen in the UK. And from that moment, the germ of an idea for The Summer of the Shark was formed.
He lives with his wife Jane and their cocker spaniel, Molly, in the beautiful Shropshire countryside – a safe distance from the sea if worryingly close to a large river. He would like to add that he has never served in the SAS and finds the whole idea of skydiving quite terrifying!
Unsurprisingly, he very rarely swims in the sea