After a mysterious meeting at dusk in London’s Regent’s Park, Alex finds himself in Oman, where he is drawn, by a chance encounter with the kindly scholar Burhan, into the perilous quest for an ancient cloth, allegedly bearing the image of God. Burhan sees the cloth as a beacon of hope for mankind. Salah, his ruthless cousin, wants to lock it away forever. The chase that ensues will threaten Burhan’s life, Alex’s life and Carol’s too, his enigmatic new girlfriend. An “engrossing tale” told with “exceptional prose” (Kirkus Reviews). The Story of the Cloth is available at the discounted price of $0.99 from 18-22 December 2022.
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Author Bio:
Writer of grammar books by profession, daydreamer by habit, Ken was walking home at dusk one day through Regent’s Park in London, when he stopped thinking about noun phrases and relative clauses, and wondered instead what would happen if a fairy appeared in his path and offered to grant him a wish. What would he choose and where would it lead him? Inspired by ‘Lost Horizon’ and ‘A Matter of Life and Death’, his first novel, ‘The Story of the Cloth’, provided the answer.