About The Story Collector: A Short Story:
Civilization has collapsed, and the man who’s responsible is buried in a small town graveyard. At night, teens Wren and Elias meet near his grave to spend some alone time together, but a stranger resembling a character from an old children’s book interrupts them with a strange message.
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Author Bio:
Before I found the awesomeness of writing in the YA realm I dabbled in children’s stories and short works for adults. My first YA novel became an Amazon bestseller shortly before my publisher decided to close their doors. But I forged on, exploring fantastical ideas and discovering that our world is more magical than we give it credit for. These musings inspired The Water Man, which earned a spot in the anthology Mythic Orbits 2016: Best Speculative Fiction by Christian Authors, and my recent novels.
I live on the sunny-yet-piney side of Arizona with my family and sweet boxador, Bella.