About The Ship of State: The Prequel: A Young Business Executive Seeks the Presidency:
The Ship of State: The Prequel
The Ship of State: Books One through Five follow a young American President, Donald Burlington, as he seeks to restore the country back type of democratic republic the Founding Fathers envisioned. It’s not easy turning the ship of state around being a political novice, fighting against the leaders of both parties, the political establishment and the status quo.
However, the young president perseveres by getting Congress to change the way it operates, reaching out to moderate Muslims to deal with the radical elements of their religion, proposing dramatic changes to the way the government taxes and hands out entitlements and winning a landslide reelection after an ugly campaign full of personal attacks and dirty tricks from the other side.
On a personal level, Donald Burlington and his wife divorce, he takes the advice of an international film star to view his personal assistant, Nicole Martin, as more than an able assistant, marries her and she nearly dies giving birth to their twins on election night. Shortly thereafter the President suffers a near fatal medical event and after a long slow recovery gives up the presidency and works to pass a number of meaningful Constitutional Amendments that will have a positive effect on the country for generations to come.
The question is – How did it all begin?
In The Ship of State: The Prequel, you’ll see how and why a successful business consultant decided to leave his firm to become the President & CEO of a Denver based bank to steer it through a turbulent financial calamity, warn Congress and the country of the upcoming crisis, then answer the call to run for President of the United States and ultimately defeat the incumbent president.
If you liked the movie The American President or the hit TV series The West Wing, you’ll love The Ship of State and enjoy how the wild ride all began.
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Author Bio:
Richard Ley has long been interested in defining innovative solutions to the nation’s economic, political and societal challenges. He was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and graduated with a degree in economics from The Pennsylvania State University.
Following graduation, Mr. Ley worked for a financial institution and at one point, as a young banker, provided an informational report to his congressman, who arranged for an appearance before the US House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee studying ways to increase the nation’s savings rate.
It took a number of years for his first novel, Escape from Serfdom to be completed and some of the credit goes to his fellow members of the North Hills Toastmasters Club, whom listen and provided valuable feedback to many of the concepts and ideas contained in the novel. Unfortunately, soon after publication, the publisher went out of business.
Recently, Escape from Serfdom has been expanded into The Ship of State Series of four and possibly more novels. Additional novels include: FATE; Love My MB; and GIMPY and Dr. B. will be out soon. Mr. Ley is also writing screenplay and hopefully FATE will be made into a motion picture in the near future.
In October 2014, Mr. Ley was awarded the Distinguished Toastmaster designation for his individual efforts, along with the support he provided to his club and Toastmasters District 13.
Mr. Ley resides in suburban Pittsburgh, PA with his wife Barbara and two cats, Woody & Arlo. If you would like to get in touch with Mr. Ley email to rick@richardpley.com