The Little Lie is a short bedtime story about Princess Sophia of the Magical Land of Ruze and her best friends: Whiskers the cat and Chex the rabbit. In this story, the three friends will learn Whiskers little secret and understand the values of loyalty, honesty, forgiveness and pursuing your dreams.
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Author Bio:
Franz Rivers is a chilean children book author. From a young age he was attracted to books and storytelling, spending long hours reading children books such as the “Papelucho” collection from local author Marcela Paz, or from international writers such as Roald Dahl. Those story sparked his imagination, which he reflected in “comics” he shared with classmates, taking advantage of his natural drawing skills. During his teenage years, after a long illness, he lost his father to cancer. On those sad days, he found refuge once again in books and stories. Now, father of three and after a long career in finance related jobs, he decided to finally listen to his more creative side and publish his first books, motivated to let people escape their problems for a moment, the same way he did long ago.