Originally written as a form of amorous confession to a new lover, The Erotic Notebooks appears now in print as a collection of fifteen beautifully crafted stories recalling the erotic evolution of a young woman seeking to free herself from the restricted codes of behaviour imposed upon us by society, and to explore in real life all of those desires that had previously existed for her only in fantasy.
From Paris to Venice and the south of Spain, the narrator treats readers to a decadent recounting of experiments in exhibitionism, voyeurism, assignations with strangers, BDSM, and all manner of other ecstatic encounters with a wide variety of exotic men and women, and, through all, of sensuous, unbridled passions and pleasures.
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Author Bio:
Yasmine Millett is a British-born author. Her debut collection of stories, “The Erotic Notebooks”, was first published in January 2023. Having grown up in rural Somerset, Yasmine spent time in London, Paris, Venice and Milan before finally settling in Granada, Spain. Each of these places has had a special influence on her writing, and form the settings of many of her stories. Her works are strongly influenced by those of Nin, Proust, Arsan, and Maupassant.