About The Day the Government Banned Bacon: The Last Straw Before Violent Revolution Kindle Edition:
You thought vaccine mandates were bad? Take our guns. Take our freedom. But don’t take our bacon.
Although this is fictional, it is based on legal situations people in many countries are becoming all too familiar with. The impotence of having laws created that seem illogical, rely on so-called expert advice and arbitrarily remove the rights and liberties of ordinary people. I say ordinary because in most cases – the corporations and/or influential people seem to be exempt to these rules.
This story shows us what can happen when people are pushed just that step too far.
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Author Bio:
Randy Cade Bio
I have lived in California all my adult life, growing up in the 60’s and 70’s and 80’s in Northern California and moving to Southern California in the 80’s. a. I was part of the San Francisco music scene around the Fillmore Auditorium in the 60’s, graduated from UC Berkeley and became a book publisher in the 70’s, and was a pioneer in the computer industry in the 80’s.
Since then I have been a consultant to the computer industry and worked in real estate and finance. I have traveled extensively throughout the US and Europe and often use real places as settings for scenes in my novels. I am now semi-retired in Southern California and am writing Crime Fiction with a sense of humor.
If you like the writings of Elmore Leonard, Carl Hiassen, George V. Higgins, Bud Shulberg, Damon Runyon, David Milch and John D. MacDonald, you’ll probably like what I write. I mention these great authors of Crime Fiction only out of deference. I am a new author and am not in any way suggesting I am as skillful or polished as the above mentioned greats. That’s why when I write I just try not to take myself, or life, too seriously.
I want to present stories that have an element of realism and the traditional smattering of raw dialogue, violence and surprise plot twists that have traditionally inhabited the pages of crime fiction. And I want to do it with a sense of humor and in the way people really talk when they are among friends. And enemies.