“THE BOOK” is a compelling non-fiction narrative that unfolds through the unique perspective of a book itself. Told through the art of “bookcrossing,” where a book is left for others to find, read, and pass along, this particular book embarks on an extraordinary journey that becomes intertwined with the lives of tourists in Thailand during the catastrophic 2004 tsunami.
As the book changes hands from one traveler to another, it becomes a silent witness to the diverse experiences of those who come across its pages. The story is set against the picturesque backdrop of a seaside resort in Thailand, where the book finds itself in the midst of vacationers seeking solace, adventure, and self-discovery.
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Author Bio:
Videomaker, writer, performance artist, musician/singer, painter, photographer, and filmmaker I was born in New York City and have lived and worked in Italy since the early 80s.
I am a creative person who is always up to something new. In 2005 I visited Thailand just after the Tsunami and spoke to many people that had survived the tragic event. As they opened their hearts, I made notes (being a journalist…) and later wrote THE BOOK, re-telling the stories I had picked up.
I am now creating the audiobook for THE BOOK, it will be published on Kobo as well. Where you can download both for free!
For more information, check out my website: