About The Adventures of Crazy Cory: A Horse Racing Short Story Collection:
A fun collection of short stories about a zany ex-jockey and his wild horseback antics. Full of humor and heart with memorable characters, quirky horses and plenty of horse racing action! From the award-winning author of “Backstretch Girls” and “Racetrack Rogues”.
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Author Bio:
Dawn LeFevre began working on the backstretch of Atlantic City Racecourse at the age of sixteen. After graduating from Cook College of Rutgers University with a B.S. in Animal Science, she spent the next thirteen years training and racing horses in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Her first novel, BACKSTRETCH GIRLS, won Best Horse Racing Fiction book at the 2021 Equus Film & Arts Festival. Her second novel, RACETRACK ROGUES, was a finalist for the 2021 Dr. Tony Ryan Book Award.
Dawn’s work has also been published in www.PastTheWire.com, Equus, Weird NJ, the Pacific Coast Journal and The Press of Atlantic City. She lives in South Jersey with her husband Mark, Australian Shepherd Domino and her cats Wonder and Faith. You can catch her latest news and read her Tales From The Wine Trails blog at www.dawnlefevre.com