Moms and Dads, from Emma Hamlin’s overnight international best-seller author Change Makers, Vol., 4, allow me to introduce you to ‘Supa Cat and the Bedwetter,’ a delightful and heartwarming picture book that is sure to bring a smile to your child’s face and joy to their hearts.
Who would have thought a cat and dog team would strive to rescue children from bedwetting? In this book, you’ll meet Supa Cat, the superhero cat who always has your child’s back, and his sidekick Robin, Delilah the Dog. Not only is Supa Cat brave and robust, but he’s also got superpowers. He could sense children that needed rescuing.
Alongside Supa Cat is the Bedwetter, a young girl struggling with a common problem. But with the help of Supa Cat, she learns to overcome her distressing problem. This story is not just about a cat and a girl; it’s about friendship, bravery, and the power of achieving life’s milestones.
Whether your child is a toddler or older, ‘Supa Cat and the Bedwetter’ is a must-read. With charming illustrations, witty humor, and a touching story with a hidden lesson, it’s a book that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading to your child.
So, why wait? Get your copy today to experience the joy of your child waking dry, so they share adventures of sleepovers with no accidents.
Buy the book:
Author Bio:
Accidental author A.S.K. Aynur holds a Forensic Medicine Cert., Cert. in Early Childhood Education & Care Competency, and a Diploma in Counselling.
She is also a Paediatric Hypnosis Coach, Parents Coach, Kids Coach, ICF Accredited Life Coach, and Speaker. Despite her struggles to read and not having the ambition to write as a child, she became a best-selling author in 2020 with her first book.
That she has many strings to her bow is no surprise to anybody who knows her, as she is a serial entrepreneur. She describes her mind as very active and uses writing to get her ideas out and focus her thoughts. Her inspirations come from far and wide. She looks to world events, real-life stories, personal experiences, and the work of other writers.
Through her writing, she hopes to impress on her readers that, whatever life throws at you, there is always a funny side. She also aims to help parents teach their children good values through entertaining tales.