About STOP DRINKING: How to Beat Alcohol Addiction and Start Living Sober Today:
So you want to stop or control drinking and get your life back?
Your recovery is not going to be easy. You are going to experience setbacks day by day. But YOU CAN DO IT!
You can beat alcoholism – thousands of people have been able to self help, with or without Alcoholics Anonymous. For men and women trying to beat this drinking disorder, gain sobriety, tired of endless blackout episodes or failed detox attempts, this book will help.
This is not one of those health or science books that lecture you about alcohol addiction or abuse of drugs. Instead, it is straight to the facts, well explained, simple and helpful, to get you out of misery and into mastery over this lethal drink.
It is your path to stop being drunk all the time, recover from a lapse, ditch booze, stay out of the alcoholic patterns, and possibly cure this drug addiction for good.
This book will give you all the tips and tricks to start living sober and finding your way back to the life you desire and deserve. You will be able to:
Distinguish whether you are having alcohol poisoning or just being buzzed
Have a plan to avoid or overcome alcohol addiction
Realize the multiple (and maybe unexpected) benefits of sober life in relationships, fitness, financial matters, and how you feel about yourself
Get the practical guide, giving you instructional steps and tools to be stronger and help you quit drinking safely and easily
Discover the safe drinking tips so that you can still enjoy the occasional drinks yet master a healthy life full of happiness and achieve freedom from addiction
Now it’s your turn to finish this book and put the tips into action. With persistence (no shortcut, please), you can do it.
“BUY NOW” to stop drinking and start living sober TODAY!
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Author Bio:
Vinh Nguyen is a best-selling author. But he prefers to see himself as the “happiest author on earth.” His life goal is to help you learn to be happy — one life skill at a time, one book at a time, and maybe with the help of a cup of strong coffee or two.
Vinh was born and bred in Vietnam and lives (happily ever after) in New Zealand.