About SLOW Life Diet : Greek Village Living – The Pathway to a Healthier Lifestyle, Healthy Habits, and a Happier You:
Greek villagers are known to have a long-life expectancy. They live a healthy, honest, and happy life. This all comes down to all-encompassing idea of Siga Siga, which literally means ‘slowly, slowly’, but emblematically means to take a deep breath, embrace the moment you are in, practice self-caring, and exhale.
We have shunned the lifestyle that will make us happy – the one of simplicity and listening to what our body needs.
The Slow Life diet is all about lifestyle. It is a road that leads to health, good habits, and happiness. It is a condition according to which the soul lives calmly and steadily, being disturbed by nothing.
It focuses on eating right and creating healthy life habits. Greek villagers live their life in a way that focus on their lifestyle and their habits. They create healthy habits, taught to later generations, and in turn become ingrained in society in general. By making little and sustainable changes in our lifestyles, we can gradually and sustainably take ourselves out from the unhealthy life we have created and recreate our life’s infrastructure the siga, siga way.
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Author Bio:
I am lawyer and social entrepreneur who started my business path by reviving my 3-generational, family tradition of olive oil production on the island of Lesvos, Greece, with my company evo3 olive farms. Through my love and knowledge of olive oil, I began to advocate for its health benefits and the role it played in the Greek way of life. I not only promoted olive oil’s health benefits, but also saw that the Greek village diet was much more than just food, but a lifestyle, and I witnessed first-hand that it could make someone live longer, happier and healthier.
Having grown up in the United States, but being of Greek origin, every summer we would go to my parents’ villages in Greece (Lesvos) and immerse ourselves in the village way of life. Things that I observed, lived, practiced and learned, stayed with me throughout my life. However, they became thoroughly important when my health slightly suffered as a young adult. It allowed me to alter my path to a healthier lifestyle and aging well. And with all the scientific research that has been done on the subject to show its positive health benefits, it allowed me to invigorate my inspiration to write the book and to share my knowledge about the subject.
I am the founder and CEO of evo3 olive farms. The CSR that underlies evo3 olive farms’ efforts is that for every product sold, a tree is planted in a deforested area in Africa and Haiti putting planet over profit. I work with Eden Reforestation Projects with the tree planting. By teaming up with Eden, evo3 olive farms not only plants trees – through its valued customers and partner – but also gives work to impoverished local people dedicated to earn a supplemental income by planting these trees and reviving their local forests and farmlands.
My olive oil has won many taste and branding awards, including from the New York International Olive Oil Competition, the Los Angeles International Olive Oil Competition, the London Great Taste awards, the AVPA olive oil competition in France, and Gold in the International Organic Awards.
I am an olive oil sommelier giving olive oil taste lectures on how to taste olive oil and choosing the right one, and also the benefits of using olive oil and the role it plays in the SLOW Life diet.
I was also a TedX speaker. My talk focused on creating a business based on social value rather than only financial value. It is called, “Entrepreneurship and Empathy” (please turn on the subtitles as the original language is Greek).