Abigail Fairchild, a high school senior in a small Alabama town, inhabits a world shielded by her all-white school and her middle-class, conservative family, even during the turbulence of 1964. Yet, on the same day she finds the body of a murdered girl, she’s confronted with the stark reality that the struggle against prejudice is a collective concern, transcending boundaries.
Abi and Becca make the chilling discovery when they come across a lifeless body mere moments before a deadly tornado traps them alongside the grim discovery. Struggling to find an escape route, their journey takes a harrowing turn. They stumble into an underground sanctuary belonging to a clandestine society and find themselves ensnared in a worse scenario.
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Author Bio:
Linda Tincu Peno has transformed her lifelong passion for reading into the gratifying process of writing. As a child growing up in rural Michigan, one of her cherished memories of summer afternoons is spending hours perched high in a sycamore tree where she could feel the breeze off the lake and read a favorite novel.
Silent Girls her first novel, originally titled Quiet Refuge, is set in a small fictitious Alabama town during 1964. The main character, Abigail Fairchild is a high school senior and amateur sleuth. The obvious social injustice of the times serves as a backdrop for a thriller that keeps the tension high until the surprising end.
Her second book Twin Motives, a crime thriller,- takes place in 2016 in southeastern Michigan. It’s about a terrorist act that includes kidnapping and murder. The protagonist is a young detective named Paige McDonald.