In this slice-of-life story set in September 1979, we meet Laurie Caswell a bookstore clerk at the Northbrook Mall. That Saturday night she goes to the movies with her boyfriend, Dennis Wayne. Later, they go to her house and share some booze. After he leaves, she has a vivid dream of the dying mall in 2021 and is shocked at the darkness that engulfs the future. Is it a dream, a nightmare, a vision, or a prophecy?
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Author Bio:
Lisa Maliga is an American author of contemporary fiction, psychological thrillers, and cozy mysteries. Her nonfiction titles consist of how to make bath and body products with an emphasis on melt and pour soap crafting. When researching her cozy mystery, she discovered the art of baking French macarons. When not writing, Lisa reads an assortment of books, takes photos, skates, and is working on a series of baking and soaping video tutorials.