About Secrets of the Masters, A Season in the Light by Michael Hawking, Jenna Wolfe Ph.D.:
Free on Amazon June 2nd thru June 4th. Composed from the journals of explorer Hawking’s sixty-two months in remote Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet, this book transports the reader into a legendary realm of light, a journey that leads to the discovery of the most refined and powerful paranormal knowledge possessed by the human race.
Explore a comprehensive account of Hawking’s various experiences and conversations with the legendary masters and sages of the Himalayas, including first-hand accounts of the extraordinary powers and abilities he witnessed and in-depth descriptions of the esoteric knowledge that make such remarkable capabilities possible. “There is no true teacher who in practice does not believe in the existence of the higher self, or in the magic that acts on it through the pursuit of knowledge. There is no desire more natural than the desire for knowledge. Learning is the movement from darkness to light.”
“Light is the fire that burns and the sun that gives life. Light is the wind and the rain and the thunder in the sky. Light is the heavens and the earth, what is and what is not, and what lies in Eternity.” —Seneca (4 B.C.-A.D. 65)
“A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe.” —Madeleine L’Engle
From the Author: “The secrets of the masters are powerful and profound, and one hopes they will bring great light into the lives of our readers, will offer them insight and guidance, will greatly expand their knowledge and power, will be validated by their experience, or, at the very least, will stimulate them to search further on their own. The philosophy expressed by the masters reflects as well the broader search of our culture at this particular stage of its development. The evolutionary viewpoints in this book reflect the emerging pattern of a seeking for our true place and direction in the Universe—a reawakening of a search begun by the original pre-Socratic philosophers, one that goes further back than even the roots of religion—the search for a true connection with our origins in the Cosmos that gave rise to us and within which we continue the creation our individual lives and the mass co-creation of the world we all share.” —M.G. Hawking
For anyone seeking advanced knowledge and expanded awareness, this is a book you will not forget. 2021 Edition Anthology, e-reader page count 320 (estimated, actual count varies depending on the reading device used). A Kindle Unlimited Book. For more information, please see the ‘Look Inside’ feature on the book’s Amazon page. From all of us here at Wisdom Masters Press, thank you!
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Author Bio:
M.G. Hawking is an avid traveler, adventurer, and writer. Devoted to exploring remote areas of the globe to discover regions unknown to the Western world, always in search of extraordinary people and experiences, he has found many, especially in the Great Range of the Himalayas, the setting for most of his books. His focus is documenting profound wisdom traditions and revealing the knowledge and power they convey. Hawking is the author of the book series, ‘In The Valley of Supreme Masters,’ along with its associated companion volumes. When not traveling, he spends his time working on projects related to presenting books of an esoteric nature with his wonderful team in Northern California. Heather Cantrell, M.Litt., contributor and editor for Wisdom Masters Press, is an experienced world traveler. Having been born in Nepal to British parents who were teachers in various parts of Asia, she has extensive experience in the Himalayas, and is a devoted equestrian and animal lover. Amber Chellings, M.Phil., contributor and newsletter director, is an avid photographer, outdoor enthusiast and ardent equestrian. Jenna Wolfe, Ph.D., our exceptional research expert, contributor and book content supervisor, is a primary link to our numerous academic technical advisers.