About Save the World! It Is the Only Place That Has Chocolate. – Salvem o Mundo. É o Único Planeta que Tem Chocolate!: Bilingual Children’s Picture Book in English and Portuguese. (Kids Learn Portuguese 5):
A Moving Parable that Offers an Affecting Interpretation of the Sweets of Life!
Once there was a boy. He was a victim of war. He had to run away with his parents from where he was born. On his way, he met a soldier who said, “Save the world! It’s the only planet that has chocolate!
A story about life and what it is all about, about humanity and finding your way, with joyful illustrations from Ira Baykovska.
The text is simple enough to grab your kids’ attention. This story shall help children appreciate values like friendship, love, and happiness, as well as kindness and freedom.
Here’s what you’ll find inside this book:
40+ pages designed to inspire and teach kids ages 3-7
Parallel text in English and Portuguese
Translated by expert native-speaking translators
The story is simple and suitable for early-age learning
All the illustrations are original, creative, and fun
For reading aloud at home or in preschool, kindergarten, or for reading together at school
Optimal for the first contact with a foreign language
Teach Your Children First Words in English or Portuguese!
Ages 3+
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Author Bio:
Mit meinen teils mehrsprachigen Bilderbüchern und kurzen Geschichten bin ich in erster Linie daran interessiert, neue Erfahrungen und Anregungen und neue Perspektiven auf unsere Welt zu vermitteln – auch im fantastischen und magischen. Ich möchte das auf spielerische Weise tun und nicht zufällig. Das Schreiben aus der Perspektive der Kinder öffnet die Tür zu Welten, die von Elfen und Tieren, Meerjungfrauen und Königen, Zwergen und Riesen bevölkert sind – Wesen, die Probleme haben und sie lösen können, indem sie einfach die Beschränkungen unserer realen Welt umgehen.
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