About Sande: Zeitgenössische Märchen, Gedichte und Prosa zum Thema Liebe by Dr. Aashna Gill:
Awarded Ukiyoto Fiction – Top 30 Books to Look out for in 2022
Eleven times on UK and four times on USA Amazon Bestseller list.
Ranked 3rd bestseller on Amazon UK under contemporary poetry. Ranked 4th bestseller on Amazon USA, 7th bestseller on Amazon Australia and 49th bestseller on Amazon India.
SANDS is a groundbreaking collection of poetry and contemporary fairytales that grounds and amplifies the experience of love in its innocence and mischief.
Daydream of what love could be, travel through the melancholy of what should have been and arrive at the reality of what it is.
SANDS is a message-in-a-bottle. It slips into your conscience, teasing it with the hope of love.
There is a palpable connection between the waves teasing the sands and the experience of love. The connection to the earth element runs afire to ASHES celebrating alchemy through growth.
Offers unique imagery and beautiful rhyme through a brilliantly crafted amalgamation of astronomy, art, philosophy, literature and wide-ranging topics. SANDS leaves you with rose-tinted glasses.
Dr. Aashna Gill’s prize-winning poem ‘The Descent into Madness’ can be cherished in this book.
Each poem has a unique artwork that engages you with a combined visual and reading delight.
Translations available: French, German and Spanish.
This book is a perfect love gift.
“Ausgezeichnet mit Ukiyoto Fiction – Top 30 Bücher, auf die man 2022 achten sollte, zehn Mal auf der Bestseller-Liste von Amazon UK und vier Mal auf der Bestseller-Liste von Amazon USA. Als drittbestes Buch unter zeitgenössischer Poesie auf Amazon UK eingestuft. Als viertbestes Buch auf Amazon USA, siebtbestes Buch auf Amazon Australien und neunundvierzigstes Bestseller- Buch auf Amazon Indien eingestuft. SANDS ist eine bahnbrechende
Sammlung von Gedichten und zeitgenössischen Märchen, die die Erfahrung von Liebe in ihrer Unschuld und ihrem Schabernack verankert und verstärkt. Träume davon, was Liebe sein könnte, reise durch die Melancholie dessen, was hätte sein sollen, und komme zur Realität dessen, was es ist. SANDS ist eine Botschaft in einer Flasche. Sie schleicht sich in dein Bewusstsein und neckt es mit der Hoffnung auf Liebe. Es besteht eine spürbare Verbindung zwischen den Wellen, die den Sand necken, und der Erfahrung von Liebe. Die Verbindung zum Element Erde geht in FLAMMEN auf und feiert Alchemie durch Wachstum. Es bietet einzigartige Bilder und wunderschöne Reime durch eine brillant gestaltete Verschmelzung von Astronomie, Kunst, Philosophie, Literatur und vielfältigen Themen. SANDS hinterlässt dich mit rosaroten Brillen. Das preisgekrönte Gedicht von Dr. Aashna Gill, ‘Der Abstieg in den Wahnsinn’, kann in diesem Buch geschätzt werden.Dieses Buch ist das perfekte Liebesgeschenk.”
At 0.99$ for limited time only.
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Author Bio:
Dr. Aashna Gill, BDS, FAGE, MDS, is a conservative, aesthetic endodontist, working as a senior resident. Earlier she worked as a senior lecturer (India).
Then obtained her Bachelor of Dental Surgery, FAGE from Manipal University, Mangalore (Karnataka) and MDS.
She attended workshops on scientific training for rescue & relocation of snakes from India’s most renowned herpetologists. Dr. Aashna Gill completed ‘Animal Behavior and Welfare’ certificate course from The University of Edinburgh. She has bungee-jumped from India’s highest. She enjoys traveling and has solo backpacked. During her graduation, she worked as a volunteer tuition teacher at an orphanage and also went on camping treks. She has a year worth of kickboxing training.
Since she was a child, her family inculcated in her the enjoyment of reading. When she was first introduced to the hostel library, she marveled if she would ever write a book. Now she is the author of two books, the second winning an award and being an Amazon bestseller in multiple countries in less than a year from its publication date. She reads multiple books at the same time and has been known to continue a book after two years, remembering the story plot.
Her primary genre in writing is poetry (love poems, contemporary, coming of age). She started writing poetry at the age of thirteen and has won prizes for her English and Hindi writings.
To add to her writing skills, she completed certificate courses ‘Thinking like a Writer’ from Michigan State University and ‘Writing for the Web’ from Open Universities Australia. She earned certificate badge for ‘Sponsored ads for KDP authors’ from amazonadvertising.
This is her second book.
Visit her on Instagram @draashnagill