About Return to Eden: A lesson in love for all ages:
‘Twas a long time ago, longer now than it seems, in a world of wonder, a garden of dreams.
Two beautiful souls that were blessed from above delighted in Eden, their home of pure love.
We all know the tale of Adam and Eve, but did you know it contains the secret to everlasting bliss?
After the young couple find themselves outside their garden paradise, they explore the world and discover that Eden was never really gone; it was just hidden by their missing love. They learn the secret to a happy life and come to love all that is, wholly and completely. Adam and Eve then return to Eden, their beautiful garden of dreams.
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Author Bio:
When the teacher truly knows, profound wisdom is easily passed to even the youngest children. Author Chris Terai knows how we claim the whole sum of wholesome… infinite goodness in all regards. He shares this in adult guidebooks that lead to personal greatness and legendary life. He teaches it in children’s books to give youths an astounding head-start. He reveals it in YouTube videos that answer burning questions and reform life in less than five minutes, and posts his uncommon wisdom on FaceBook as well.
You truly can have the whole sum of wholesome. This is Chris Terai’s message; it is for you, and for all. Read or view his works to learn more.