In the quiet oil city of Port Harcourt, a group of cold-blooded killers wielding machine guns kidnaps an innocent teenage girl. Bloodthirsty gangsters seeking revenge, they underrate Jideofor, the clever, relentless former cop who swore an oath to rid society of evil. Yet acting according to plan, they blackmail Jideofor to assassinate the former MP under his protection.
Rather than give in to blackmail, Jideofor, through might and sacrifice, races against the clock to save his daughter and the politician, no matter what.
But beyond the confrontation and betrayal, another terrifying danger emerges. And it’s worse than anything imagined—an oil thief wants his family dead.
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Author Bio:
OBINNA ONWUGBENE is a practicing civil engineer, storyteller, and a writer focused on conscious living and continuous improvement. He writes fast-paced suspense thrillers and action stories for YOU because you are the best fan in the world and you deserve much more.
Obinna enjoys email marketing—sending out emails and increasing sales for businesses.