About Patches The Cat is a Thief !:
This is an extraordinary true story about “Patches,” a stray calico cat who wants to ‘adopt’ our family. We don’t want a pet now, but she continues to work her way into our hearts by persisting in bringing us “gifts.”
In this heartwarming story, your young person will learn about persistence, honesty, and kindness toward animals.
If you want your special young person exposed to nurturing literature, you will love this humorous true story. This book is the first in our “Family Values Series.”
The MJChanacapublishing “Family Values Series” of books contains wholesome stories that often teach moral and ethical values so necessary in our society today.
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Author Bio:
Joel Chanaca works as a Game Warden protecting natural resources with over 23 years in law enforcement. His love of the outdoors and wild and domestic animals came from a childhood working on a colonial farm in Pennsylvania, where he learned how to make things from scratch and care for farm animals and pets. His early years were full of camping, fishing, canoeing, and visiting state parks up and down the east coast of the US from PA to FL. Joel’s love of God’s beautiful creation grew into a passion for the outdoors and several amazing animals that had a major impact on his life. ” We are to be stewards of the environment that God entrusted us.” His motto is to “love one another and take care of what God has given us.”