About NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: True stories of Near-Death Experiences: True Tales of Visting Heaven:
I hope you enjoy reading these true stories of near-death experiences. I hope they give you comfort, reassurance and confidence that we go somewhere really special when we die; that death is not the end, and a wonderful paradise filled with our loved ones is waiting for us when we die.
When people from across the world, across the centuries, with no knowledge of each other, have such remarkably similar experiences of being surrounded by unconditional love, of being reunited with their families, and of never wanting to leave that special place, it’s almost impossible not to believe in the afterlife and the glorious future that awaits you.
Have you ever wanted to know what happens when a person has a Near-Death experience? Have you ever wanted to know what happens when you die? Have you ever wanted to know if Heaven really does exist? The stories in this book will answer those questions.
True Stories of Near-Death Experiences: True Tales of Visiting Heaven.
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Author Bio:
Rachel Hopkins, NDE Researcher