About Love, Resistance, Betrayal:
Love, Resistance, Betrayal is a mixture of fact and fiction, based on the true story of Gavino Luna (stage name Gavino De Lunas), a famous Sardinian poet and singer who became a war hero, fought against the regime that ruined his country and was ultimately betrayed.
His heart broken, Gavino decides to enlist in the Italian army, persuading his two friends, Nigola and Martine to do the same. Although it’s 1914, and a violent war rages across Europe, Italy has chosen not to become involved. But Benito Mussolini has other ideas, plans that will change Italy forever and draw her into not one, but two World Wars. A patriotic Sardinian, Gavino decides the only way to save his country is to fight against those responsible for dragging them all into hell.
As a Slovenian citizen under Austro-Hungarian control Anej has no choice but to defend the Empire from the Italians, but his fight is only just beginning. Determined his own children will grow up free and never be used in other people’s wars Anej joins the struggle for an independent country, a decision that leads to love and heartbreak.
Delighted to renew his friendship with ex-lover Margherita Sarfatti, Jewish businessman Moise Pace is happy to provide financial support to her latest prodigy, Benito Mussolini, until he begins to have doubts about the direction the country is heading. As the danger from their German ally increases Moise wishes he’d made different choices.
Father Ben Lawrence has no idea why God has chosen him to serve on the Western Front, but he is determined to go wherever he is needed. His faith leads him to the Vatican where he realises his purpose is to save as many people as possible from the scourge of fascism, beginning with Slovenia.
Through the Great War, the turbulent decades of the 1920s and 1930s, the occupation of Slovenia and the massacre in the Ardeatine Caves on 24 March 1944, Love, Resistance, Betrayal follows the lives of several people in Sardinia, Italy, Slovenia and the Vatican.
***Contains adult content***
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Author Bio:
Carole McEntee-Taylor writes and publishes military history, historical fiction, memoirs and spiritual books. Her military history include Herbert Columbine VC, Surviving the Nazi Onslaught, A Battle Too Far and The Battle of Bellewaarde 1915. She also writes historical fiction, including A One Way Ticket, a four part series based on the true story of Seaman Bill Young through and after WW2, Secret Lives, a six part series set through WW1; Lives Apart: A WW2 Chronicle, a five part series based on the true story of her father-in-law, Rifleman Ted Taylor and his fiancée Brenda through WW2, Obsession, a five book series inspired by the true story of the thousands of allied POWs who disappeared at the end of WW2 and Betrayed, a murder mystery set in 1940s Berlin and Palestine. Carole worked for several years in the Military Corrective Training Centre, Colchester, the UK’s only remaining military detention centre and now lives in North Lincolnshire with her husband and writes full time.