About Knights of the Cross: Alien Arrival By Christopher J. Anduha:
Knights of the Cross: Alien Arrival is an action and adventure science fiction novel about aliens known as Psystructs who set their sights on Earth. When they arrive, they find a large group of high school students and their teachers . Twelve of the students escape this initial attack and are chosen to become the Knights of the Cross, and to to them falls the responsibility of defending the Earth from this alien menace. Along the way their parents are drawn into the fray, while their human identities are branded as fugitives by a secret organization , known as A.R.C. At the same time, they are aided by two mysterious collaborators – Manuel and Justice.
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Author Bio:
Born in Brooklyn, New York, Christopher Anduha grew up with his parents, living in California and Arizona, returning to New York when he was about ten years old. As he grew up he fell in love with Sci-Fi movies, superheroes, Anime and the Bible. At the age of thirty-six, he decided to combine these loves into one, giving birth to this book, The Knights of the Cross: Alien Arrival. Christopher now lives with his wife and daughter in Katy, Texas.