About Just In Case Solutions: Essential Planner to Organize and Record All Your Important Life Details!:
Ask Yourself: Is your loved one (or responsible person) prepared to handle your entire life should you be in an unexpected accident, or suddenly stricken with an illness and unable to speak for yourself, or when your death inevitably comes?Just In Case Solutions is a comprehensive workbook that provides individuals or couples an easy way to organize, record, and deliver all their essential life details to their loved ones (or responsible person) in a consolidated manner. In the just-in-case scenario of an accident, illness, or death, an inventory of all vital information will be readily available.This essential planner adds value and partners well with the retirement, caregiving, estate, and funeral planning process by consolidating all the details outside of the professional planning process.An all-inclusive and well-organized resource that contains all your important information.When overwhelming life situations are difficult to handle, having completed Just In Case Solutions will help bring life-changing assistance to those who care about you, alleviating any pondering thoughts of confusion or uncertainty.A roadmap to prepare someone to become an expert of your life.WHAT’S INSIDE? 10 “EASY” Steps!Dividing up this process makes it less intimidating, more manageable, and easier to accomplish!Step 1 Personal Details and TechnologyStep 2 Family, Friends, and PetsStep 3 Health, Medical, and Health InsuranceStep 4 Employment, Business Owner, and MilitaryStep 5 Legal Documents and ProfessionalsStep 6 Financial and InsuranceStep 7 Residence, Bills, and LoansStep 8 Vehicles and TransportationStep 9 Religion, Activities, Volunteer, Clubs, Subscriptions, and MembershipsStep 10 Just In Case of DeathRESPONSIBILITY CHECKLIST: Guidance to ease the administrative burden for loved ones by simplifying tasks and next steps. The checklist will help guide loved ones with how to use the 10 easy steps when life gets overwhelming, making it easier for the ones loved most.EXTRAS:Inventory Lists for Personal PossessionsPrescription Drug ChartOver-the-Counter Medication/Supplements ChartUsername and Password List with Security QuestionsFUN MEMORIES: Space at the end of each step to share a fun memory, advice, or loving thought with your loved ones. 10 Steps… 10 Fun Memories… 10 Smiles… that you will be able to deliver when you are unable to do so!HELP YOUR LOVED ONES GO FROM GRIEF TO GRATITUDE!We all wish for our loved ones to encounter less hardship during challenging times. We want to prepare our responsible person with the necessary reference guide to help alleviate confusion and avoid massive struggles during those difficult moments. This workbook offers an organized solution to share your secure information, essential details, and other crucial aspects of your life. Provide your loved ones or a designated personal representative with a consolidated inventory of all your imperative information and give yourself peace of mind.
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Author Bio:
I have a passion to help others and seeing people really upset, struggling with so much anxiety about basic things breaks my heart. My desire to do everything possible for my own daughter, not wanting her to be overwhelmed with figuring out what I have and where my things are located when something happens to me, motivated myself to create a solution that everyone would be able to do in the comfort of their own home. I had insight to utilize my professional and personal skillset to create a comprehensive workbook for all the things that were missing from the professional planning process.Just In Case Solutions provides individuals and couples a way to organize, record and deliver essential life details in 10 easy steps. When an accident, illness or death occurs, all the important information that loved ones need to know, will be easily accessible and help them struggle less when life gets hard.I am driven by every person I encounter who shares their personal stories with me. I take pride in helping others, wanting to encourage and motivate people to act now before it’s too late.