This verse novel tells the story of two girls, both of whom are atheists. One of them tells the truth and is open about her atheism in the predominantly religious community she resides in. Her name is Susan Mariah. The other girl, named Hannah Macdougal, who also lives in the same community, wears a mask and pretends to believe. Is it better to tell the truth about who you are or to lie when you’re around people who hold beliefs contrary to your own? Who fares better in life when they are living under the rule of the majority- A liar or the truthteller? When a society encourages lies and punishes people for being authentic, who are we enabling? Where do people find their value, when they are constantly being devalued? How to people keep loving, when they’re subjected to non-stop hatred? Where do the lies of Hannah Macdougal lead Her? What does the truth get Susan Mariah? Read to find out.
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Author Bio:
i’m a math student who draws and write poetry