About Jonathan’s Trip to the Other Side:
Jonathan’s Trip to the Other Side’ is a comic fantasy for children & young adults, relating the events of a camping break which turned into an outlandish adventure for Jonathan Trenchcoat, Jethro the blacksmith, and Transport the camel.
It all starts as a result of a little inter-dimensional flux; when a hole appears in the trouser pocket of the universe. It’s not so much a black hole, just one which could do with a spot of emergency darning. But like a missing manhole cover on the sidewalk of life… you just know that someone is going to fall through it. So Jonathan and Jethro arrive in a land where Mother Nature is on holiday, Grandma Chaos is in charge, time has a tendency to travel in curves, and the laws of physics only apply on weekdays after 7pm.
Jonathan and Jethro are given a task to perform in order to earn passage back to their own dimension. It’s not an impossible task, they just have to find a crystal ball, and apparently it came through the wormhole just before they did. The only problem is that someone has already claimed it. By now it could have been melted down to make a nice pair of ornamental vases.
It’s a race against time, and time doesn’t like to lose.
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