About Je ne peux pas croire qu’ils soient partis pour toujours: – Un livre de deuil pour enfants, qui étreint, aide et donne de l’espoir. – (I Can’t Believe They’re Gone t. 4) (French Edition):
La famille souris a perdu un être cher.
Venez, suivez chacune des souris pendant que l’Ours les aide à comprendre tout ce qu’elles ressentent et comment chacune l’exprime à sa manière.
Tiny est si calme, je me demande si Ours pourra l’aider lui aussi.
Un livre d’images magnifiquement écrit, qui couvre les étapes du deuil, les expressions du deuil, les sentiments communs et les façons de se souvenir de l’être aimé.
Un livre d’images sur la gestion du chagrin et de la perte, et sur le fait que “les émotions ne sont ni bonnes, ni mauvaises, ni justes, ni fausses elles sont tout simplement ce qu’elles sont.
Si vous devez faire face à une perte, vous serez rassuré de savoir que vous n’êtes pas seul et que vous vous reconnaîtrez peut-être un peu de vous-même à l’intérieur des pages.
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Author Bio:
Karen grew up in a small village community in Melbourne Victoria. She has always written and as strange as it might seem – would choose to write, ‘just for fun.’
There have been some unique life-changing events that have marked her outlook on life. Including living in Papua New Guinea on a short-term mission trip building houses for missionaries, running a number of entrepreneurial businesses, and owner building their own home.
She has worked as a checkout chick, amusement park rides attendant, insurance claims officer, before and after school care attendant, kindergarten and primary school teacher, she can now add author to the mix.
Karen and her husband Craig started their own signwriting business in 2002 and she has been a bookkeeper and general lackey since this time.
They raise their 3 lovable children on a semi-rural property on the Peninsula.
After an intense period of stress in 2010-2011 her body had had enough and physically crashed. This required years of recovery, which turned out to be the perfect recipe for growing intimacy with God. ‘The Be Held By Him’ Series of books are the fruit of this time.
Karen relaxes in her glasshouse and sunroom, reading her bible, worshipping, and observing the little things that no one else seems to notice. She gets enjoyment from watching plants grow in her garden, doing puzzles and spending time with those she loves most. The beach and water in general are places of peace and restoration for her.
She loves nothing better than spending time adventuring with God in life. Often having God conversations with whoever she meets or speaks to, whether it be the online banking teller, the tradesman working on their air conditioning unit or the register attendant at the local supermarket. Whether she is sitting in a waiting room or flying interstate for a holiday, God presents daily opportunities to bring encouragement and helps to those she meets, despite any limitations she might have-God fills the gaps.
Because of this ‘excitement,’ a quiet life, with plenty of time for refreshing and filling helps her to flourish, so that she can bring God’s flourish to others.
The writing of these books has been a seven year heart investment. She has poured out her heart and inner world, and desires to bring others walking through tough times some hope, through them. Karen has experienced God as her Ultimate Redeemer more times than she can count, and as such, has been gifted an intimacy with Father that blesses, inspires and encourages others in their own journeys with Him.