About Infinite Aisa: Illustrated:
Destined to fulfil her dream of being a famous actor and making the world a better place, Aisa finds herself a home in the most rundown theatre of the Khis district. And it was there that she found fame as the Revenge Artist, helping people release their anger and sadness by pulling pranks on those who had done them wrong. It wasn’t until she wanted revenge on her best friend that she started to doubt herself, but by that time the mess she had created had slipped completely out of her control.
Infinite Aisa raises the questions of thinking, of thoughts we are not so proud of, and of general meanness. It examines the nature of being hurt and asks the reader about revenge, envy, forgiveness and hurt.
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Author Bio:
My focus over the past twenty years of working in schools, external literacy programs and theatre has been to awaken the philosopher inside the minds of children to get them thinking about how they are thinking and wondering about why they are wondering by enchanting them with vivid stories, complex creatures, twinkling soundtracks and most importantly, questions.