About IMMINENt (INFECtIOUS Book 3) by Elizabeth Forkey:
Dressed in elegance, my hair arrayed in flawless ringlets, my makeup so fancy that I can’t even find me in the mirror, I stand at the door with my heart hammering in my ears. The whole thing is ludicrous. It’s the most ridiculous misunderstanding in the history of misunderstandings. It will be a weird ending to the weirdest day of my life. To be made up like a princess in a palace and then executed naked in the street, I’m so overwhelmed I can’t even process it all. My stomach is flip-flopping like its on a trampoline. The baby is twisting and kicking my bladder, making me feel like I might pee my princess underpants. I keep trying to pray, to prepare myself. I’m about to stand in the presence of the Antichrist, and I feel empty, dry, and unprepared. God, help me. The sands of time are almost spent, and Ivy has never been more vulnerable. Though suffering and great danger lie in store, The Sovereign One has ordered her steps and planned her course, and He has never failed her. Heights of love and depths of peace are comforts on the road to loss and unfulfilled dreams. Getting everyone home safely is all that matters now. “But woe to those who are with child and to nursing mothers in those days.” Matthew 24:19The final book in the INFECtIOUS trilogy.
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Author Bio:
So not cool enough to have someone else write a bio for me so this is first person…. just like my books INFEC†IOUS and IMMACULA†E. I write books that mean something. I want my books to encourage you AND entertain you. Becoming a writer has been challenging, frought with lessons, and slow as molasses, but it has also been rewarding, magical, and enlightening. Every day I am a little more sure that writing is my thing. IMMANEN† is coming soon!!P.S. If you read my book and leave a review, it will literally be the highlight of my entire day. Sometimes I jump up and down and kiss whomever I happen to be standing next to. You hold that power in your hands. Wield it how you will…. 🙂