About Hello daycare | Mia’s first day away from Mommy:
Hello Daycare – Mia’s First Day Away from Mommy” uses Pedagogical and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy principles to empower children to overcome fears of new experiences such as separation from parents, uncertainties, unfamiliar surroundings and faces; and to feel confident as they embrace new daycare or childcare experiences.
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Author Bio:
Rumeysa was born and raised in the captivating city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where she was immersed in its unique charm and heritage. Her lifelong love for writing and the aspiration to create meaningful literature have remained cherished parts of her journey, nurturing a passion for adding value to the young generation’s growth and well-being.
She studied child psychology and pedagogy and has dedicated herself to positively impacting young learners by writing meaningful books that add value for the kids’ growth but also guide parents in their challenges. As a mother, she intimately understands the joys and challenges of parenthood and its profound role in shaping a child’s development.
Rumeysa brings a unique blend of cultural awareness, academic expertise, and compassion to work for the positive and mental wellbeing of children and a healthy relationship with parents. She firmly believes in education’s transformative power to inspire and shape the future of our generations. Whether exploring diverse global cultures or delving into child psychology, her passion is sharing knowledge and fostering meaningful connections to support young minds’ growth.
With an unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in children’s lives and their families, Rumeysa continues to inspire and educate through her books and stories for a young audience.