“He Might Be Lying” is a collection of short stories that I believe will awaken your imagination and push you to the limits in urban fiction. The stories will have a hold on you while you follow each character within their specific experience. The book will keep you guessing from start to finish as you will not know what to expect next. Some stories will have you on the edge of your seat while it balances humor and suspense.
Everything will tie together once you get to the last story so get ready for a ride on this wild rollercoaster of love, laughter, loss, and war! Every story is interesting and will catch your attention from start to finish as it touches different subjects from urban street life, suspense, and mental illness. Enjoy this short piece of work as good things come in small packages.
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Author Bio:
Husband and father of 3 living out here in Charlotte NC. Writing has always been a passion and I now have my 1st installment of the “He Might Be Lying” series. Being honest with you, I really wrote this book from a place of creativity and just wanting to provide some entertainment to people who do not necessarily “read books” but appreciate a form of entertainment that can be summed up in less than an hour via reading. So, please enjoy this short urban fiction collection of short stories that I believe will awaken your imagination and push you to the limits of fiction. The stories will have a hold on you while you follow each character within their specific experience. The book will keep you guessing from start to finish as you will not know what to expect next. Some stories will have you on the edge of your seat while it balances humor and suspense.