About Google Adsense : The Definitive Guide To Making Thousands Of Dollars From Your Website & Adsense Account:
A Straight To The Point Detailed Guide On AdSense Based On The New Version Of Google AdSense
This book covers how you can easily integrate and optimize AdSense on:
Blogger and
With the new version of AdSense, Google has changed virtually everything about the interface and added some new features. The navigation structure has been completely overhauled, as have the available types of ads. Google has reorganized the former AdSense Channels into five basic types of ads: Content, Domains, Feeds, Mobile Content, and Search. This book is based on the New Version Of Google AdSense.
Google AdSense is one of the easiest ways you can earn money online from the comfort of your home without getting involved in fraudulent activities. The good thing about Adsense is that you can make a living from it depending on how determined you are.
Remember that this is not a get-rich scheme exercise. Far from it. Making money from Google AdSense requires dedication, discipline, adhering to all Adsense policies, following all the tips I mentioned in this book ( you can’t find them in any other book), and a goal-getting attitude from you.
In this book, I have written out all the tips I used on my websites to earn thousands of Dollars from AdSense. I also included tips from top AdSense earners around the world.
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Author Bio:
Johnson Omoregie is the founder of EducraftWorld. He is a full time blogger and SEO Content Writer. He has written several other books like, which include: Fly like a Bumblebee, Journey to the Sacred Hill of Orangutan, and many more. He is happily married with three lovely kids.