About Flipping the Script on Negativity: The 7 Ps to Harness Your Miraculous Mind and Start Taking Control of Your Life:
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How often do you feel stressed out? How often does your temper get the best of you? We all get frustrated in our daily lives—work, traffic, kids—it never ends!
But with just 7 simple tricks you can flip that script on negativity and finally take control of your life. You have the power within you to change the way you see and interact with the world. You can find joyous positivity and live every day to its fullest potential. How? By harnessing the incredible power of your own mind.
Don’t keep living in the patterns that have been holding you back your whole life. It’s time to start changing your life for the better–today.
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Author Bio:
Judy Marie Balloff is a wife, mother, grandmother, financial advisor, coach, author, and entrepreneur. After finding true happiness and abundance through her unique blend of the 12 universal laws, Napoleon Hill’s principles of success and wealth, and the Holy Bible, she knew she had to share her secret with the world. Join her on her journey to happiness and abundance.