About Five Million Reasons by Carl England:
Eva Blalock did not embezzle—she stole five million dollars in cash from the contracting company where she worked.
Her employer, R.L. Standridge, doesn’t want the authorities involved because the money isn’t actually legitimate earnings for the business and he is offering a five percent reward to any private investigator who will return his loot.
Doris Blackmon is not a private investigator — but she has read her Dad’s 1930s detective novels and that should be good enough. Right? She thinks so.
Doris involves her soon-to-be ex-husband, against his better judgement. Together they manage to convince the contractor that they can recover the money. Doris’ brother, Boris, along with a cook, where Doris works as a server, have gotten wind of the purloined millions.
Thus begins a mad race half-way across the country.
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Author Bio:
This has been a long journey. I actually began writing in grade school. I wrote my stories longhand and the pages would be passed around among my classmates. I knew then that I was destined to be a writer.
Being a writer was my destination, but there were many detours along the way.
I married my childhood sweetheart, the love of my life, and she has remained at my side for more than forty years.
I would often start writing while working at various non-skilled and skilled jobs. Those manuscripts were never completed.
At the age of twenty-seven, I knew that I needed a radical change in my life and joined the Air Force. Even while I was standing guard-duty in boot-camp, I continued to write.
Once out of boot-camp, and after completion of technical school, I was given the opportunity to realize another of my dreams. I have always wanted to teach and, due to a shortage of instructors, I was offered an instructor position in the Cryptography School. It was there that I worked with some of the best friends that I have ever known.
I taught myself computer programming and gained minor fame among users of a certain 8-bit computer. (My fame lives on–just search the Internet for “Carl England the Defeater.”
But despite the many paths I have traveled, I always drifted back to writing. After many false starts and incomplete novels (and a few short stories that never found a market,) I decided that it was time to make a commitment to finally complete a novel.
That commitment produced my first novel, “Alphabet Soup.”
I continue to write. I have four published novels, a self-published novella, and several self-published short stories. I also have two short stories (soon to be three) that have been included in anthologies.
I am currently working on the third (and final?) book in the Alphabet Soup series, and a Time-Travel science fiction novel.