About Fall of the Cities: Last Man Standing by Vance Huxley:
As Caddi’s killers rampage through Orchard Close the usual defenders are helpless, but unlikely heroes make their own stand. As dawn shows the extent of the death and destruction, Harold reaches out to the Barbies. A huge bribe buys medicine and treatment at Beth’s, but that won’t save those too badly hurt to move.The pyres hold a third of Orchard Close’s residents, many are badly injured, and the General is still out there. Despite the damage refugees still arrive, some of them providing a ray of hope. In death, Caddi gifts the injured a chance at life, but only if the bad girls on the block agree. While eight gangs clash, Harold tries once again to save his love.Elsewhere the Zoo have a chance to gain allies, but to do so they must risk meeting Conan and his Barbarians. Events around Orchard Close give Sutton Park a respite, while Prof and the SIMS test their new weapons against the Borg. The Cabal launch their final armoured drive to destroy the Reivers, followed by the Specials to process any captives. At the other end of the country, Londoners plan for the day the armour comes for them.The General is gathering allies, desperate to hit Orchard Close before their wounded can recover. He builds the biggest army seen in the city, nearly a thousand armed men from eight gangs, all determined to crush Orchard Close. The Barbies and GOFS are neutralised, rockets tear holes in the walls, and a saboteur strikes inside Orchard Close, but a depleted Riot Squad step up to face the horde. Outnumbered ten to one they can’t win, but hope the Last Man Standing will pull the General’s Army down with him.
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Author Bio:
Vance Huxley lives out in the countryside in Lincolnshire, England. He has spent a busy life working in many different fields – including the building and rail industries, as a workshop manager, trouble-shooter for an engineering firm, accountancy, cafe proprietor, and graphic artist. He also spent time in other jobs, and is proud of never being dismissed, and onlyonce made redundant.Eventually he found his Noeline, but unfortunately she died much too young. To help with the aftermath, Vance tried writing though without any real structure. As an editor and beta readers explained the difference between words and books, he tried again.Now he tries to type as often as possible in spite of the assistance of his cats, since his legs no longer work well enough to allow anything more strenuous. An avid reader of sci-fi, fantasy and adventure novels, his writing tends towards those genres.