About Falcon And The Mouse: The Sleeping Dragon:
Falcon, a handicapped older man, is helped by a Chinese doctor named Wu after a tragic incident. Dr. Wu, finding Falcon nearly dead, uses his vast knowledge of Chinese sacred potions, herbs and minerals to revive him to a far better state than ever before. Falcon learns an incredible new fighting ability and uses it against the Mob in Chinatown. Mouse, a homeless girl, helped Falcon after the incident. Now the Mob hunts her because she knows who he is. So Falcon’s game is to protect her against all odds. He finds he’s becoming a super hero.
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Author Bio:
I have been a rock drummer, rifle instructor, civil air rescuer, US Navy sailor, fine art painter, movie producer-director-editor-actor, animator and script writer. I’ve even been a starship captain (in movies). Now that I’m officially retired, I have more time to pursue my creative endeavors.
Why read my books? I write upbeat adventures with unique ideas, twists, humor and a touch of romance. While I’m just getting started you can check out my reviews on Amazon or the book pages in this site. Or read the sample pages on Amazon to decide for yourself. Digital copies are a great value at $4.95 or less. Paperbacks are available if you prefer books you can hold.
My current most successful book, ‘The Kingdoms of Magic Book 1: The King Is Dying And War Threatens. . . . ‘, is available FREE at Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble and http://www.robertmarquiss.work/freebook.htm
I’m currently working on several books and paintings.
Email me at marquissnovels@yahoo.com to request my latest updates.