“Embark on a mesmerizing journey through the supernatural realm in this sensual tale of love and power between vampire and werewolf. Grey, a dominant Alpha, finds his world turned upside down when he mates Faine, a lethal vampire warrioress. As their union challenges ancient covenants and sparks envy, their destiny unfolds amid the conflict of their paranormal world. With allies and adversaries from otherworldly races, they navigate a web of passion, manipulation, and uncharted territory. Will love conquer all, or will the shadow of their past tear them apart?”
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Author Bio:
stefilyn, a proud Cherokee Nation tribal citizen hailing from Green Country, Oklahoma, embraces her roots and weaves them into her life and work. An endowed scholar with memberships in Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Chi, and Sigma Beta Delta, stefilyn’s academic prowess shines. Her passion extends beyond the scholarly, as she finds joy in the company of horses, the tranquility of cold, clear spring water, and the allure of erotic paranormal romance.
With a heart for animals, stefilyn proudly identifies as a fur baby Mama to an elderly Chihuahua and a 20+ lb. calico kitty. In the literary community, she makes her mark as the debut author of “Faine,” the captivating first installment in her otherworldly series, “Sacred Grove.” stefilyn’s unique blend of cultural richness, academic achievement, and love for the mystical promises readers a journey into worlds both familiar and fantastical 😉