In a world ravaged by an inexplicable plague, society lies in ruins. Amidst the desolation, a lone survivor perseveres in a secluded state park along the Delaware Coast. Over a year has passed since she lost everything, yet as the sanctuary she’s carved for herself begins to crumble, she must summon the strength to endure once more.
Venturing beyond her haven exposes her to the horrors spawned by the plague, creatures both cunning and primal. Their origins shrouded in mystery; they pose a formidable threat to any who cross their path. Armed with scant knowledge and a grim resolve, she understands only two truths: they hunt relentlessly, and their chilling gaze is unmistakable—they have eyes of blue.
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Author Bio:
S.M. Sykes never saw himself as a writer, facing struggles with English classes in school. Even his wife, who doubles as his editor, can attest to occasional challenges with organizing his thoughts. However, despite these obstacles, he discovered a passion for storytelling that he couldn’t ignore. Beginning with his debut novel, Eyes of Blue in 2018 at the age of 38, he found the genesis of his stories in a simple idea that sparked in his mind. As the narrative unfolded, it took on a life of its own, leading to the ongoing series that began with Eyes of Blue and continues with his current project, Loss of Blue. With Loss of Blue, he aims to weave together the threads of his previous works into a conclusion that is both profound and
Balancing a full-time job with his writing endeavors, which include advertising and marketing his work, has proven challenging. Yet, his motivation lies not in financial gain or replacing his day job but in the satisfaction of sharing his ideas with readers.
Looking ahead, he remains focused on his writing journey, eager to explore where it may lead. He invites others to join him on this adventure by checking out his books and sharing their thoughts.